VFSA Board Meeting Minutes
April 8, 2024
The Valley Forge Sewer Authority monthly meeting was held on Monday, April 8, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. In attendance: Board members: Norman Vutz, Terri Woodman, Samuel Cupp, Richard Stipa, David Demey, and William LaPorte. Also in attendance were General Manager Leonard Pinchok, Operations and Engineering Manager Matt Jackson, and Laboratory Supervisor Richard Taylor. David Shirk, representing the Authority’s Engineer of Record, Buchart Horn, Inc., was also in attendance.
The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
Meeting Minutes
Mr. LaPorte made a motion to approve the March 11, 2024, meeting minutes, which was seconded by Mr. Demey, and the Board unanimously approved the motion.
Operations Report
Mr. Taylor presented the operations report, stating there were no permit limit violations for the month of March and all outstanding lab results from February 2024 were received without violation. There are a few outstanding lab results from March, but do not anticipate any issues.
Mr. Taylor reported a visit from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for a pretreatment compliance inspection. The last inspection was in 2018. The contractors visited Beyond Meat and Fuji Diagnostics for inspection. After the two day inspection, the contractors have forty days to report findings to EPA. The EPA will issue an audit report with recommendations, if any, to the Authority shortly thereafter. The audit report and recommendations will be shared with the board upon completion. There were no odor complaints recorded during the month. Mr. LaPorte made a motion to accept the operations report as presented, which was seconded by Mr. Stipa, and the board unanimously approved the motion.
Financial Report
Mr. Pinchok presented the combined statement of operations for all accounts at the end of March with a balance of $26,414,359. Fund balances were presented for review, followed by the budget to actual summary, where the revenue fund actual for the month has a deficit of $57,764 and the treatment plant fund actual for the month has a surplus of $128,079. Mr. Pinchok briefly reviewed several line items from each fund, with explanations for budget and actual differences. Impress fund reconciliation was $1,391.54. Petty cash expenses for the month were $111.82. Credit card purchases for the month were $9,977.66. Accounts payable invoices totaled $277,403.68. Mr. Stipa made a motion to approve agenda items 2 through 6 as presented, which was seconded by Mr. Demey, and the Board unanimously approved the motion.
The financial report continued with requisitions totaling $94,756.21 from the Treatment Plant Construction Fund and requisitions totaling $72,000.82 from the Capital Improvement Fund. Mr. Stipa made a motion to approve the requisitions as presented, which was seconded by Mr. LaPorte, and the Board unanimously approved the motion.
New Business
Ms Woodman reported VFSA customers who attended the East Pikeland Board of Supervisors meeting were happy with the $10.00 quarterly increase to the sewer rental fee. Ms. Woodman referred to an article in the newspaper where PA courts will become more active in monitoring acquisitions of collection systems by privately owned utilities. The staff will research the ruling of the courts and report changes, if any, and how it will affect the authority.
Mr. LaPorte shared upcoming training at the June PWEA Technical Conference for cybersecurity and privatization if any staff or board members are interested. Mr. Jackson reported the staff is currently working with Keystone Engineering to minimize cybersecurity risk to the plants Scada system that controls processing of wastewater.
Old Business
Meadow Lane Sewer Extension
There was no new information for the month.
Act 537 Special Study
Mr. Shirk reported all partner township resolutions with the exception of two have been received. Malvern Borough is expected to adopt a resolution at the next township meeting to be held on April 16, 2024. The East Whiteland Township resolution is being reviewed by both the township and Aqua, who is in the process of purchasing East Whiteland’s collection system. Mr. Shirk will contact Ms. Boettlin form PADEP asking to submit for review the Act 537 Special Study without East Whiteland Township resolution.
Mr. Jackson reported progress on several projects at the plant. Final clarifier #4 has been placed back in service after an inspection and minor repairs. Final clarifier’s #1 and #2 are out of service awaiting engineer’s inspection. A Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) and pump at the French Creek Pump Station failed. The replacement VFD had been ordered and proposals for pump replacement are being received. The Pickering Pump Station (VFSA largest Pump Station) also had a failed VFD. A temporary drive is in place until the replacement is received. Mr. Jackson announced the new Inspector, Harrison Green, first day of work was this morning. Mr. Pinchok will be conducting interviews for the Human Resource/Office Manager position next week.
Ms. Woodman made a motion to adjourn the meeting that was seconded by Mr. Demey, and the board unanimously approved the motion. The meeting adjourned at about 7:50 p.m.