Proper Disposal of Unused Prescription Drugs and Sharps
Federal prescription drug disposal guidelines urge Americans to follow the instructions listed below when disposing of prescription drugs:
CVS, Walgreens and Rite-Aid sell postage-paid envelopes ($3.99) that allow customers to mail unwanted prescriptions and over-the-counter medications to Sharp Compliance's Texas facility for disposal.
Controlled substances are excluded from the program.
Disposal Option for Pharmaceuticals
Gateway Pharmacy Stericycle
165 Nutt Road Home Sharps Disposal
Phoenixville, PA Mailback Program
The following locations have Medication Collection Drop Off Boxes:
Chester County Justice Center Sheriff's Dept., 201 W. Market St., Suite 1201, West Chester
East Brandywine Twp. Police Dept., 1212 Horseshoe Pike,
East BrandywineKennett Square Borough Police Dept., 115 N. Broad St., Kennett Square
New Garden Twp. Police Dept., 8934 Gap Newport Pk., New Garden
North Coventry Twp. Police Dept., 845 S. Hanover St., North Coventry
Oxford Borough Police Dept., 57 N. Fourth St., Oxford
Parkesburg Borough Police Dept., 315 W. First Ave., Bldg. 2, Parkesburg
Phoenixville Borough Police Dept., 351 Bridge St., Phoenixville
West Goshen Twp. Police Dept., 1025 Paoli Pk., West Goshen
Westtown-East Goshen Regional Police Dept., 1041 Wilmington Pk., Westtown
West Whiteland Twp. Police Dept., 101 Commerce Dr., West Whiteland