VFSA Board Meeting Minutes
February 13, 2023
The Valley Forge Sewer Authority (VFSA) monthly Board meeting was held at 7pm via Zoom (online meeting service) on Monday, February 13th 2023, at 7:00 pm. In attendance: Board members: Norman (Norm) Vutz, David (Dave) Demey, Samuel (Sam) Cupp, David (Dave) Greer, Chuck Melle and William (Bill) LaPorte. Also in attendance were General Manager Leonard (Len) Pinchok, Lab Manager Richard (Rick) Taylor. and Maintenance Supervisor Lloyd Knauer. David (Dave) Shirk attended, representing the Authority’s Engineer of Record, Buchart-Horn, Inc.
The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Public Comment
Sean Carney of Aqua attended the meeting. There was no public comment.
Meeting Minutes
William LaPorte made a motion to approve the January 9th, 2023 meeting minutes as presented, which was seconded by Sam Cupp and the Board unanimously approved the motion.
Operations Report
Rick Taylor presented the Operations Report stating there was no limit violations during January. There was a permit violation for a fecal coliform sample dated January 6, 2023 due to out of holding time caused by miscommunication for pick up with vendor. The sample tested was well within the permit requirements. The violation was reported to PADEP. Outstanding results from November 2022 returned in compliance. The month of January had no odor complaints. Chuck Melle asked if a consequence is expected by the violation? Mr. Taylor noted historically, the Authority has not been charged for this type of violation. Bill Laporte made a motion to accept the operations report as presented which was seconded by Dave Demey and the Board unanimously approved the motion.
Financial Report
Len Pinchok presented the combined statement of operations showing the balances of all accounts at the end of January with a balance of $25,5071,199. Fund balances were presented for review, followed by the budget to actuals, where the fund has a surplus of $27,719 and the treatment plant operating budget is at a surplus of $76,324. Sam Cupp asked why sewer rental income was below budget? Len responded that additional connections are anticipated throughout the year. Sam Cupp also inquired about plant posted as much higher than budget. Len noted that the electricity budget total should have been based on only 6 days based on Peco Invoice ending period of January 6th. Total for Imprest fund reconciliation was $1,406.56. Petty Cash expenses totaled $25.56. Credit card purchases for the month were $1,630.32. Sam Cupp questioned late fees on credit card account? Len noted, after speaking with PNC representative, the payment was received after due date. The payment took nearly 3 weeks to arrive by the USPS. The board will allow ACH payments for credit card to be made if needed. AP invoices totaled $270,924.58. Dave Demey made a motion to approve items 1 through 6 as presented which was seconded by Chuck Melle and the Board unanimously approved the motion.
The financial report continued with requisitions totaling $4,656.34 from the Capital Improvement fund and $151,270.99 from the Treatment Plant Construction fund. Bill LaPorte made a motion to approve the requisitions as presented which was seconded by Dave Greer and the Board unanimously approved the motion.
New Business
Board Training
Mr. Pinchok presented information for a Board Member Training seminar hosted by PMAA. The training is offered at several dates and locations, including zoom, during the month of March. Any board member interested, should contact Len to register.
Bill LaPorte was presented by EPWPCOA asking to host the March 2023 meeting. The meeting was originally scheduled at Deka Battery but cancelled due to ongoing construction. The Authority staff and Bill LaPorte met with EPWPCOA representative Marykay Steinman to discuss requirements to hold the meeting. The plant tour and business meeting is scheduled for March 17, 2023. The business meeting and luncheon will be held at the Philadelphia Expo Center in Oaks, PA. Attendance is expected to be between 100-150 attendees. Mr. Pinchok reported the staff is ready to help in any way for the success of presenting the treatment plant for touring. The VFSA Board and staff will be invited to the luncheon prior to the business meeting. Any cost for the event will minimal to the Authority. Several suggestions for handling transportation were offered by board members. A list of transportation companies will be forwarded to EPWPCOA.
Old Business
Whitehorse Pump Station Flood Protection Upgrade
Mr. Shirk reported the Whitehorse upgrade project is near completion. The remaining task is final coat of concrete to the upper deck of the wet well. The task will be completed once temperatures permit. Mr. Shirk can issue a letter of substantial completion if acceptable. Len will follow up with PEMA.
Meadow Lane Sewer Extension
There was no additional information or activity during the month. Len reported that if the grant applications are denied, the Authority previously approved funding to complete project. Any funds expensed by the Authority will be reimbursed through a special tapping fee to newly connecting customers.
Act 537 Special Study
The staff and Buchart Horn received notification from all partnering townships that no additional capacity is needed. Buchart Horn will begin work on updating VFSA Act 537 Special Study to rerate the plant.
Mr. Knauer reported staff is excited to show off the plant on March 17, 2023. No major issues with equipment or processing. Lining of the Pothouse mains will begin later this week.
To Do List
Executive Session
The Board went into executive session at 7:54pm to discuss personnel matters. The session ended at 8:20pm.
Dave Greer made a motion to adjourn the meeting that was seconded by Chuck Melle and the Board unanimously approved the motion. The meeting adjourned at about 8:21 pm.