VFSA Board Meeting Minutes
January 9, 2023

The Valley Forge Sewer Authority (VFSA) monthly Board meeting was held at 7pm via Zoom (online meeting service) on Monday, January 9th 2023, at 7:00 pm.  In attendance: Board members: Norman (Norm) Vutz, David (Dave) Demey, Samuel (Sam) Cupp, David (Dave) Greer, and William (Bill) LaPorte.  Also in attendance were General Manager Leonard (Len) Pinchok, Lab Manager Richard (Rick) Taylor. and Maintenance Supervisor Lloyd Knauer.  David (Dave) Shirk attended, representing the Authority’s Engineer of Record, Buchart-Horn, Inc.

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Reorganization for 2023

Mr. Pinchok presented the 2022 Annual Reorganization for 2023 with no changes.  Bill LaPorte made a motion to approve the reorganization as presented, Dave Demey seconded the motion and the Board unanimously approved the motion. The meetings will remain Zoom until there is a return to normal operations.

Public Comment
There was no public comment and no public attended the meeting.

Meeting Minutes

William LaPorte made a motion to approve the December 12th, 2022 meeting minutes as presented, which was seconded by Sam Cupp and the Board unanimously approved the motion.

Operations Report

Rick Taylor presented the Operations Report stating a few results are still outstanding and no violations. Outstanding results from November 2022 returned in compliance.  The month of December had no odor complaints.  Bill Laporte made a motion to accept the operations report as presented which was seconded by Dave Demey and the Board unanimously approved the motion.

Financial Report

Len Pinchok presented the combined statement of operations showing the balances of all accounts at the end of December with a balance of $25,359,395. Fund balances were presented for review, followed by the budget to actuals, where the fund has a surplus of $321,046, and the treatment plant operating budget is at a surplus of $382,856. The line by line items were then presented and there were no questions. Imprest fund reconciliation was $831.54. Petty Cash is requiring $18.49. Credit card purchases for the month were $2,972.21.  AP invoices totaled $421,032.77. Mr. Pinchok noted payment to East Whiteland in the amount of $185,678.35 is prior years reimbursement for VFSA portion of flows through the Valley Creek Trunk Line as per the agreement. Sam Cupp inquired about payment to Diversified Technology.  Len reported it was for program upgrades to the Authority's accounting software.  Sam Cupp made a motion to approve items 1 through 6 as presented which was seconded by Dave Greer and the Board unanimously approved the motion.  

The financial report continued with requisitions totaling $10,417.78 from the capital improvement fund. Bill LaPorte made a motion to approve the requisitions as presented which was seconded by Sam Cupp and the Board unanimously approved the motion.

New Business


Mr. Pinchok presented a request to accept the dedication of the sewer collection system located at Chrisevyn Lane (French Creek Business Park).  Bill LaPorte made a motion to approve dedication of the collection system to VFSA which was seconded by Dave Greer and the Board unanimously approved the motion.

Len Pinchok reported all new development must hold a performance bond to insure completion of the project.  As a project progresses, it is customary for a developer to request a reduction to the bond. Devault Village at Spring Oak is in final phase of completion and requested a bond reduction to $25,000.  Len indicated $25,000 would be satisfactory to complete the project and approved the request. 


Old Business

Whitehorse Pump Station Flood Protection Upgrade

Mr. Shirk reported the Whitehorse upgrade project is near completion.  The stainless steel bypass pump, box vent and flood panels will be completed in early February.  Coatings work for concrete will be finished once temperatures permit. Mr. Pinchok asked if the project will be completed by March 10, 2023 in order to receive payments from FEMA.  Mr. Shirk will follow up with contractor.

Meadow Lane Sewer Extension

There was no additional information or activity during the month.  

Act 537 Special Study

The staff and engineer are awaiting for information from the townships and their need for additional capacity.  The request for additional capacity is due by January 18, 2023. Once the information is received, Buchart Horn will begin work on updating VFSA Act 537 Special Study.



Mr. Knauer reported staff is replacing valves at several pump stations including installing well submersible pump in Valley Forge Woods.

Mr. Shirk presented an update on the Septage Receiving System, Pothouse Lining Project, Main Scum Pit and Odor Control.

To Do List

Executive Session

The Board went into executive session at 7:35pm to discuss personnel matters.  The session ended at 8:05pm.


Bill LaPorte made a motion to adjourn the meeting that was seconded by Sam Cupp and the Board unanimously approved the motion. The meeting adjourned at about 8:06 pm.