VFSA Board Meeting Minutes
March 13, 2023
The Valley Forge Sewer Authority (VFSA) monthly Board meeting was held at 7pm via Zoom (online meeting service) on Monday, March 13th 2023, at 7:00 pm. In attendance: Board members: Norman (Norm) Vutz, David (Dave) Demey, Samuel (Sam) Cupp, David (Dave) Greer and William (Bill) LaPorte. Also in attendance were General Manager Leonard (Len) Pinchok, Lab Manager Richard (Rick) Taylor. and Maintenance Supervisor Lloyd Knauer. David (Dave) Shirk attended, representing the Authority’s Engineer of Record, Buchart-Horn, Inc. The Authority’s solicitor, Vince Pompo of Lamb McErlane PC attended the public comment and executive session.
The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Executive Session
The Board members entered into Executive Session at 7:05pm with Solicitor Vince Pompo to discuss legal matters. Vince updated the Board on sale of collection systems from both Willistown and East Whiteland Townships to Aqua. No further action is required at this time. The Executive Session ended at 7:56pm.
Public Comment
Marc Lucca of Aqua attended the meeting. There was no public comment.
Meeting Minutes
William LaPorte made a motion to approve the February 13th, 2023 meeting minutes as presented, which was seconded by Dave Demey and the Board unanimously approved the motion.
Operations Report
Rick Taylor presented the Operations Report stating there was no limit violations during February. The month of February had no odor complaints. Sam Cupp made a motion to accept the operations report as presented which was seconded by Norm Vutz and the Board unanimously approved the motion.
Financial Report
Len Pinchok presented the combined statement of operations showing the balances of all accounts at the end of February with a balance of $25,599,320. Fund balances were presented for review, followed by the budget to actual, where the revenue fund has a surplus of $83,250 and the treatment plant fund is at a surplus of $85,746. Sam Cupp asked about treatment plant profession fees. Len explained that there has been minimal need for services from Authority or Joint Board solicitors regarding legal matters for the treatment plant. Total for Imprest fund reconciliation was $993.96. Petty Cash expenses totaled $38.10. Credit card purchases for the month were $5,435.71. AP invoices totaled $285,809.26. William LaPorte made a motion to approve items 1 through 6 as presented which was seconded by Dave Demey and the Board unanimously approved the motion.
The financial report continued with requisitions totaling $192,569.20 from the Capital Improvement fund and $3,391.51 from the Treatment Plant Construction fund. Sam Cupp made a motion to approve the requisitions as presented which was seconded by Norm Vutz and the Board unanimously approved the motion.
New Business
Mr. Pinchok addressed the Sale of Reserved Capacity as presented by Tredyffrin Township to the Board. The capacity offered by Tredyffrin Township requires both PADEP and VFSA to confirm its availability before a sale. Once the capacity is confirmed, the Authority will notify the partner municipalities of availability and purchase price. The board directed staff to continue to adhere to the process as outlined in the Addendum of 1994.
Old Business
Whitehorse Pump Station Flood Protection Upgrade
Mr. Shirk reported the Whitehorse upgrade project is completed. He mentioned the concrete did not set correctly in a few places and will require additional work. The Authority and contractor agreed that payment will be released upon final review and acceptance of necessary repairs. The certificate of completion has been sent to PEMA.
Meadow Lane Sewer Extension
There was no additional information or activity during the month. Mr. Shirk stated final approval/disapproval on grant applications will not be issued prior to June 2023. Sam Cupp asked if the project is on hold until the grants are approved? Len reported until the grant approval/disapproval, the project cost to the customers cannot be determined at this time. East Pikeland will notify the Authority and residents when the project is expected to continue and proposed cost are determined.
Act 537 Special Study
The staff and Buchart Horn is currently gathering the ancillary permitting items needed for the project. Dave indicated that information should be ready to send municipalities by month's end. A question was asked if this information is available to public or should it be requested from East Whiteland. Mr. Shirk directed him to East Whiteland for the information.
Mr. Knauer reported pumps are being repaired or replaced at several pump stations. The staff did an excellent job in preparing the plant for the EPWPCOA event on March 17th, 2023.
Executive Session
The Board went into executive session at 8:16pm to discuss personnel matters. The session ended at 8:29pm.
To Do List
Bill LaPorte made a motion to adjourn the meeting that was seconded by Sam Cupp and the Board unanimously approved the motion. The meeting adjourned at about 8:30 pm.