VFSA Board Meeting Minutes
November 13, 2023
The Valley Forge Sewer Authority monthly meeting was held on Monday, November 13, 2023, at 7:00 pm. In attendance: Board members: Norman Vutz, Samuel Cupp, David Greer, David Demey and William LaPorte. Also in attendance were General Manager Leonard Pinchok, Operations\Engineering Manager Matt Jackson and Laboratory Supervisor Richard Taylor. David Shirk representing the Authority’s Engineer of Record, Buchart-Horn, Inc was also in attendance.
The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
Meeting Minutes
Mr. LaPorte made a motion to approve the October 9, 2023 meeting minutes as presented, which was seconded by Mr. Cupp and the Board unanimously approved the motion.
Operations Report
Mr. Taylor presented the Operations Report stating there were no permit limit violations for the month of October. Mr. Taylor reported all outstanding lab results from September were received without violation. The month of October had no odor complaints. Mr. Demey made a motion to accept the Operations Report as presented which was seconded by Mr. LaPorte and the Board unanimously approved the motion.
Financial Report
Mr. Pinchok presented the combined statement of operations showing the balances of all accounts at the end of April with a balance of $25,757,330. Fund balances were presented for review, followed by the budget to actual, where the revenue fund has a surplus of $410,469 and the treatment plant fund is at a surplus of $325,463. Total for Imprest fund reconciliation was $903.84. Petty Cash expenses for the month were $10.00. Total credit card purchases for the month were $2,648.79. Mr. Pinchok reported an Authority credit card was used for unauthorized purchases during the month. The bank was notified of the fraudulent charges and the credit card was immediately cancelled. The charges will be credit on the next statement. AP invoices totaled $258,860.93. Mr. Greer made a motion to approve agenda items 2 through 6 as presented which was seconded by Mr. Cupp and the Board unanimously approved the motion.
The financial report continued with requisitions totaling $34,105.95 from the Treatment Plant Construction fund. Mr. Vutz made a motion to approve the requisitions as presented which was seconded by Mr. Demey and the Board unanimously approved the motion.
New Business
2024 Draft Revenue and Draft Treatment Plant Budgets
Mr. Pinchok mentioned he is waiting on a few large ticket estimates for projects included in the 2024 Capital Improvement Fund (CIF) budget. He reviewed several of the projects to include new roof, doors and windows for the Administration Building and rebuild of the Valley Creek Pump Station. Overall 2024 budget total for the CIF is approximately $2.6 million. Mr. Pinchok and Mr. Jackson are finalizing an Asset Management Plan that will the estimate future capital funding needed for 20 year projects.
Mr. Jackson presented the Treatment Plant Construction (TPC) fund projects for 2024 totaling $423,000. Mr. Pinchok will schedule an Administrative and Finance as well as an Operations and Construction meeting to review in detail the 2024 Budgets. The 2024 budgets will be included as an agenda item for approval at the December board meeting.
Pretreatment Fee Resolution 2023
Mr. Taylor presented a resolution to increase Pretreatment Fees beginning January 2024. The Authority is required by PADEP to implement and enforce an industrial and pretreatment program. The Pretreatment Fees are reviewed every 3 years and adjusted accordingly to cost of living adjustments (COLA). Mr. LaPorte made a motion to adopt the resolution to increase Pretreatment Fees, seconded by Mr. Cupp and the Board unanimously approved the motion.
Old Business
Septage Screening Process
Mr. Jackson reported the Septage Screen project is substantially complete. The Authority received the final approval from the manufacturer and equipment representative to operate the septage screen. The trucked waste program will begin utilizing the unit effective immediately. Mr. Shirk noted a concern over the wash water needed to clean the unit. Buchart Horn is gathering cost to install a larger water line feed to the screen. Mr. LaPorte expressed a need to have Board member committees to meet on a more regular basis. He added the importance of the committees to address issues or concerns prior to implementation or installations of projects. Mr. Pinchok will schedule committee meetings on a more regular basis beginning in 2024.
Meadow Lane Sewer Extension
PA Grant approvals are to begin this month.
Act 537 Special Study
Mr. Shirk reviewed the draft copy of the Act 537 Special Study emailed earlier in the month to board members and staff. He noted the inclusion of a timetable for the project. Mr. Shirk asked for review and comments from the staff and Board members by November 22, 2023 in order to finalize the Act 537 Plan. Once final markups are received, the next step is to present the Act 537 report to PADEP, partner municipalities and the public for review and comments. Resolutions from all partners and VFSA are expected by mid January 2024.
Mr. Jackson reported Primary Clarifier #1, Gravity Sludge Thickener (GST) #2 and Final Clarifier #4 have been taken out of service as of last week. GST #2 and Final Clarifier #4 will be inspected and cleaned as part of the preventative maintenance program. Mr. Jackson reported implementation of the newly purchased maintenance software program is well under way with expected start up and training in January 2024. Mr. Jackson noted continuous tweaks being made to the Ultra Violet System are proving to be beneficial to the overall operation of the system. Coatings on all three GST are completed.
Mr. Jackson and Mr. Brennan, on behalf of the Authority, accepted the EPWPCOA Association’s Excellence Award for Collection Systems Operations and Maintenance.
Mr. LaPorte made a motion to adjourn the meeting that was seconded by Mr. Cupp, and the Board unanimously approved the motion. The meeting adjourned at about 8:20 pm.