If you would like to pay your bill by credit card, select "PAY NOW" April 1, 2024 Invoice - Sewer Rent for April, May and June Rates to Increase $10 per Quarter - Sewer Use Billing and Payment Options
The Valley Forge Sewer Authority services about 6,800 customers within Charlestown, East Pikeland and Schuylkill townships. Quarterly service fees paid by users are the primary source of revenue to fund the conveyance and treatment of wastewater. All revenue generated from your sewer bills are used to fund operation, maintenance and replacement costs related to providing sewer service to customers. Although the Authority has not increased its rates for more than 25 years, rising cost to convey and treat wastewater supports the need to increase quarterly rates. Effective April 1, 2024, the new quarterly sewer rental rate will increase from $75.00 to $85.00. The Authority is committed to providing our customers with excellent service while keeping costs as low as possible.
Sewer use billing occurs on the first day of each calendar quarter and is due at the end of that respective month. Each quarter is paid in advance (example: January billing covers January, February and March). The Authority utilizes a flat rate billing system. The system is based on the average amount of wastewater discharged by a typical single-family residence. The single-family residence is equal to one (1) EDU (Equivalent Dwelling Unit). The current quarterly charge will increase to $85.00 per EDU effective April 1, 2024.
UNDER CONSTRUCTION! Email Registration Form will be added shortly. The Authority also accepts money orders and checks (both personal and business). Checks should be made payable to Valley Forge Sewer Authority or VFSA. If paying by mail, please include your return stub with your payment to ensure proper credit. A mail slot is located on the front door of the Administration Building if you wish to drop off your payment.
========================================================================================= VFSA Board Meetings can be attended online (Zoom) the second Monday of each month at 7:00 PM Link to Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 314 065 8282 ================================================================================================================================================================ FOR MONTHLY BOARD MEETING AGENDA, SELECT THE "What's New" TAB ABOVE |