Valley Forge Sewer Authority
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Sewer Certification Requests

Certifications are required for sales, transfers and refinances of properties in the VFSA service area.

To process a certification, the VFSA needs in writing:

  •  Property Address
  •  Tax Parcel Number
  •  Seller's Name
  •  Buyer's Name and address (if other than property address)
  • Settlement or Refinance Date (paid through date)
  • Reason for Certification: Sale, Transfer, Inquiry, Payoff, Refinance, etc.

Payment must accompany request.  

Certifications are returned via US Mail or via fax. Make checks payable to Valley Forge Sewer Authority and mail to 333 Pawling Road, Phoenixville, PA  19460.

DO NOT FAX request.  Any certification request containing incomplete information or payment will not be processed and/or returned.  A minimum of five (5) working days is necessary to complete certification process.

Certifications are time sensitive, valid only through date indicated, and will not be updated.  If expired, a new certification is required.


Certification returned via US Mail                                     $35.00

Certtification returned via Fax                               $45.00


Sewer Use Billing and Payment Options
Billing occurs the first day of each calendar quarter and is due at the end of that respective month.  Each quarter is paid in advance (example: January billing covers January, February and March). 

Billing Schedule is as follows:

1st Quarter - January 1 (Due February 1)

2nd Quarter - April 1 (Due May 1)

3rd Quarter - July 1 (Due August 1)

4th Quarter - October 1 (Due November 1)

The Authority utilizes a flat-rate billing system.  This system is based on the amount of wastewater discharged by a typical single-family residence.  The single-family residence is equated to one (1) E.D.U. (Equivalent Dwelling Unit).  The current quarterly charge is $85 per E.D.U.  All other uses are a function of this multiplier.  By way of example, if you owned a business that discharged twice as much wastewater as a single-family home you would be charged two (2) E.D.U.'s or $170 per quarter. Failure to receive a sewer bill will not be considered an acceptable excuse for nonpayment nor permit an extension of the period during which bills are payable at face amount.

If the use or classification of any property should change, the owner must notify the Authority in writing within fifteen (15) days of occupancy or date occupancy permit is issued. The Authority accepts money orders, checks (both personal and business) and cash. We do not accept credit or debit card payments. 


Checks should be made payable to Valley Forge Sewer Authority or VFSA.  Please include your return stub with your payment to ensure proper credit.  A mail slot is located on the front door of the Administration Building if you wish to drop off your payment after the office is closed.The Authority assesses interest at the rate of .833% per month for payments made 31 days or more after the billing date.  If payments are made 61 days or later, a penalty of 10% is added.

The Valley Forge Sewer Authority Right-to-Know Act contact information is as follows:

Deborah A. Bingham, Open Records Officer

Valley Forge Sewer Authority333 Pawling RoadPhoenixville, PA  19460Phone 610-935-1553Fax 610-983-9684


Records Request Form (PDF format)PUBLIC RECORD REPRODUCTION FEES:Copies are charged on a $0.25 per page per side (8-1/2 x 11) basis. If a public record is only maintained in electronic or other nonpaper media, and the requestor asks for the record in that media, duplication fees shall be the cost incurred by the Authority to supply the necessary device required to transfer the public record in that media.  (In order to maintain the security of the Authority electronic files, the Authority reserves the right to require the requestor to receive the public record on a transfer device purchased by the Authority.) Specialized documents (for example, but not limited to, blue prints, color copies, nonstandard-sized documents) are charged at actual cost.Facsimile, microfiche and other media are charged at actual cost.Postage fee is not to exceed actual mailing costs.Request  for certification shall be charged $10 per document regardless of the amount of pages.  Each document requires separate certification and fee.All third-party charges incurred by the Authority necessary to fulfill the request, with the exception of legal fees incurred to determine if records are public records.Authority employee hourly rate for the time spent fulfilling the request, with the exception of time spent reviewing a record to determine if it is a public record and making duplications. Payment in advance:

Where the estimated total charge exceeds $100, the requestor will be required to pay the estimated charge prior to receipt of the copies or reproductions.

Valley Forge Sewer Authority